
Constitution of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum

  • Name of the Organization

Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum of SLCJF (herein after referred to as Forum or SLCJF)

  1. Legal Status of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum

          Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum should be recognised as  Society by the Embassy of peoples Republic of China

  1. Logo

          Executive Committee (EXCO) shall empower to use a logo subject to ratification in the First Annual General Meeting of the SCYJF.

  1. Official Address of the Organization

          No. 30/3, Vihara Road, Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka. This may change from time to time depending on the address from where the SLCJF functioning.

  • Objectives
    • To promote friendship and mutual understanding between people of Sri Lanka and China.
    • To support and develop a healthy co-operation and friendly relations between Sri Lanka & China.
    • To design and develop professional and educational programmes for journalists of both countries.
    • To introduce technological achievements and construction industry developments of China to Sri Lankan society.
    • To help Sri Lanka to follow the immerging trends and the openness developing in China.
    • To prepare programmes on Sri Lanka China friendly relations.
    • To design and implement a programme for building relations between journalists of both countries.
    • To pave the way for exchanging audio – visual programmes which are produced by relevant media institutions in both countries.
    • To foster various exchange programmes between Sri Lanka & China (Trade Exhibitions, Sport Programmes, Beauty Culture Programmes and etc.)
    • To facilitate in educating people with talents on Chinese arts and crafts and develop programmes to use them to create self-employment opportunities in Sri Lanka.
    • To popularise Chinese films in Sri Lanka and make a plan to arrange regular film shows in various circles. Also explore the possibilities of organizing Sri Lankan film festivals in China.
    • To establish a Research Centre facilitating the collection of data on various fields in China with the help of other Associations.
    • To give maximum publicity to important events in China.
    • To create maximum awareness on anniversary events that is hallmarks in the annuals of both countries.

(3)  Founder Members, Adoption of the Constitution & Formation of the Forum

3.1     The members who have initiated the Sri Lanka China Young Journalist Forum should be the called Founder Members of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.

3.2     The EXCO Members of Sri Lanka China Young Journalist Forum as at 10.June .2010 who have amended the constitution of Sri Lanka China Young Journalist’ Forum have adopted this new construction and duly appointed the office bearers to the Forum and to the EXCO of the Sri Lanka China Journalist Forum at its inaugural meeting held on 06th of July 2010.

        3.3     All the current members as at 30th June in 2010 of Sri Lanka China Young Journalists’ Forum shall automatically convert into Members at the first Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum (herein after referred to as AGM).

3.4     The EXCO members of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum as at 10th July 2016 who have further amended the Constitution of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum have adopted this new constitution and duly appointed the office bearers to the forum and to the EXCO of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum at the Annual General Meeting held on 09th August 2016.

(4)   Forum: Election

  1. Any members can seek nominations to any post of the Forum   other than President/Senior Vice President / Vice President /Secretary / Treasurer /     
  2. Any member who has served in EXCO more than Five Years as President /  Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer     can seek nominations to post of president of the Forum  
  3. Any member who has served in EXCO  more than three years can seek nominations for post of  Vice President /Secretary / Treasurer /   of the Forum  
  4. No Office Bearer or Committee Member shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting, unless he is nominated by the outgoing Executive Committee.
  5. Any casual vacancy in the Executive Committee arising during the year shall be filled by the Executive Committee.
  6. The members under the provisions of this constitution are having the liberty to expend the number of office bearers and create new portfolios through a resolution passed with a two third majority of the attending members at the AGM of the SCYJF.

(5)   Organizational Structure:  Supreme Council,Managment Committee  & Executive                                                     Committee

5.1     Supreme Council: Composition

  1. The Supreme Council herein after referred to as SC, shall be the Supreme body of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.
  2. The SC is consisting of Five (05) Members.
  3. The composition of the SC should consist of President/Secretary/Treasurer and Tow Vice presidents of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.
  4. Each Member of SC shall have one vote each
  5. President shall Chaired the meetings of SC at all times

5.2     Supreme Council: Power and Functions

  1. SC is empowered and shall be the final decision making body of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.
  2. SC shall overrule any decision taken by the MC or EXCO for the best interest of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.
  3. A decision taken by SC for the best interest of Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum shall remain as the final decision and cannot be challenge by MC (Management Committee ) or EXCO (Executive Committee)  or any member or any affiliated body formed under section 7.5 of Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum.
  4. SC shall have the financial  authority and all  payments shall be approved by SC

 5.3    Management Committee   :  Composition

        i.    The Management Committee  herein after referred to as MC, shall be the management                            body of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.

        ii.     The SC is consisting of Ten (10) Members which shall be referred as Office Bearers of                         the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum

        iii.    The composition of the MC should consist of President/Secretary/Treasurer/Tow Vice                              presidents/Tow Assistant Secretaries/Chief organiser & Tow Assistant Organisers of                        Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.

        iv.       Each Member of SC shall have one vote each

         v.      President shall Chaired the meetings of  SC at all times

 5.4    Management Committee  : Power and Functions

         i.    The Management Committee  is empowered to  Manage the affairs of  Sri Lanka – China                  Journalists’ Forum.

         II.     Any decision of the the MC may get the final approval of EXCO

         iii.  the main object of MC is to take decisions of urgent matters subject to EXCO                            ratifications of Sri Lanka – China   Journalists’ Forum.

5.5     Executive Committee: Composition

  1. The Executive Committee herein after referred to as EXCO, shall be the Administrative body of the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum.
  2. The EXCO is consisting of Fifteen (21) Members.
  3. The composition of the EXCO can be changed through a resolution presented by the EXCO to the AGM and adopting with a two third majority of the attending members at the same AGM.

5.6     Executive Committee : Election and Formation

At the end of AGM, the following office bearers shall be elected from the members of the EXCO as per the provisions of the Section 5 of this constitution.

  1. President
  2. Vice president (02 Posts)
  3. Secretary
  4. Assistant Secretary – (02 Posts)
  5. Treasurer
  6. Chief Organizer
  7. Assistant Organiser (2 Posts )
  8. Immediate Past president
  9. Committee Members – (10 Members)
  10. Senior Vice President (1 Post –Optional/Chinese National Only)  

(At the AGM with the recommendation of EXCO, A Chinese National may appoint as Senior Vice President of the forum subject to importance of the situation   and who shall only represent the EXCO of Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum and shall be abide by this constitution)       

5.7     Executive Committee: Power and Functions

  1. EXCO is empowered to promote objectives of the SLCJF in both Sri Lanka and China.
  2. EXCO shall carry liaison activities to promote its objectives among the Governments of China and Sri Lanka; private, public and other organizations in both countries; and Embassies and other representative agencies of both Peoples Republic China and Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, located in Sri Lanka and China respectively.
  3. EXCO shall monitor the activities of the Forum members and assist when and where necessary to carry their works within Sri Lanka and in China.
  4. EXCO shall manage the main office of the SLCJF, and appoint Committees to carry special tasks and projects etc.
  5. EXCO shall call reports and explanations from Committees, conduct disciplinary actions against any Members or request such an investigation when end where decided as necessary.
  6. The EXCO having the liberty to expand the number of office bearers and create new portfolios through a resolution passed with a two third majority of the attending members at the AGM of the SLCJF.
  7. The EXCO is empowered to adopt standing orders, regulations and other operational mechanism for its smooth functioning in the event of this Constitution is silent on such necessity.
  8. EXCO is empowered to collect membership fees from its membership.

5.8     Executive Committee : Office Bearers & Functions

  1. President – One (01) Post
    1. Shall be the Forum Executive Officer cum Chief Accounting Officer of the Forum.
    1. Shall Preside the AGM of the Forum.
    1. Shall Preside the Meetings of the Forum.
    1. Shall hold the Official Seal of the respective Forum and put his/her signature on its behalf.
    1. Shall be responsible for overall performance of the Forum.
    1. Shall call Extraordinary Meetings of the Forum.
    1. Shall appoint Committees and Officials to the Secretariat of the SLCJF, order discipline inquiries and appoint Members for such inquiries, on the recommendation of the Secretary.
    1. Shall preside the Meetings of the Forum.
    1. Shall sign as a co signatory to the bank cheques of the Forum.
    1. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

          ii.     Vice President – Communication & PR – One (01) Post

  1. Shall assist the President of the Forum in discharging all his duties and functions.
  2. Shall cover up the duties of the Forum President, when she/he is away from the country or in an event of such assignment.
  3. Shall be the In charge of the Membership of the Forum
  4. Shall assist the Forum President to comply the provisions of this Constitution pertaining with Nominations on Selection of new Office bearers.
  5. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

iii   Vice PresidentCultural & Events –  Two (01) Posts

  1. Shall assist the President of the Forum in discharging all his duties and functions.
    1. Shall cover up the duties of the Forum President   when she/he is away from the country or in an event of such assignment.
    1. Shall assist the Forum President to comply the provisions of this Constitution pertaining with Nominations on Selection of new Office bearers.
    1. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

iv   Secretary – One (01) Post

  1. Shall be responsible for general administration and day-to-day functions of the office of the Forum.
  2. Shall present the Annual Report of the Forum to the EXCO for prior approval before the AGM of the SLCJF.
  3. Shall assist the President to comply the provisions of this Constitution pertaining to Nominations on selection of new Office bearers.
  4. Shall send notices of meetings to the Members of the Forum.
  5. Shall hold the Official Seal of the SCYJF and put his/her signature on its behalf.
  6. Shall call Extra Ordinary AGM and EXCO Meetings.
  7. Shall send the notices on AGM and EXCO meetings.
  8. Shall sign as a co signatory to the bank cheques of the SLCJF.
  9. Shall recommend the President on policy matters, appointments and disciplinary maters.
  10. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

v    Assistant Secretary – Two (02) Posts

  1. Shall assist the Secretary of the Forum in discharging all his duties and functions.
  2. Shall cover up the duties of the Forum Secretary when she/he is away from the country or in an event of such assignment.
  3. Shall assist the Forum Secretary to comply the provisions of this Construction pertaining with Nominations on Selection of new Office bearers.
  4. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

vi   Treasurer – One (01) Post

  1. Shall be responsible for the Finance and Asset Portfolio Management of the Forum.
  2. Shall present the Financial Report of the Forum to the Supreme Council for prior approval before the AGM of the SLCJF.
  3. Shall sign as the main signatory to the bank cheques of the SLCJF.
  4. Shall hold any appointment or responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

vii  Chief Organizer – One (01) Post

  1. Shall be main responsible person for organized all the events of SLCJF.
  2. Shall hold any appointment or responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

viii Assistant Organizer – One (02) Post

  1. Shall assist the Chief organiser for organized all the events of SLCJF.
  2. Shall hold any appointment or responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

ix   Committee Members – Five (05) Posts

  1. Shall hold any appointment, responsibility or assignment entrusted by the EXCO, from time to time.
  2. Shall assist Secretary to discharge his/her duties upon request.

x    Senior Vice President – One (01) Post – Optional (Chinese National Only)

  1. Shall assist the President of the Forum in discharging all his duties and functions.
  2. Shall assist the Forum President to comply the provisions of this Constitution pertaining with Nominations on Selection of new Office bearers.
  3. Shall hold any responsibility entrusted by the EXCO.

5.9     Auditor :

  1. Shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.
  2. Shall audit the Treasurer’s accounts for each financial year to be issued along with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.

5.10   Trustee  :

i.   Shall be appointed at Annual General Meeting among members who have served as President of the Form

5.11   Representatives

  1. Shall be appointed from all media Institutions as the representatives of SLCJF from its membership including EXCO members.
  2. May be invited to EXCO meetings when and where it is necessary.

5.12   Patrons

 i.     The EXCO may appoint maximum of Five Prominent professionals in various field as the Patrons of SLCJF  

(6)   Annual General Meeting of the SLCJF

  1. Shall hold the AGM of the SLCJF on or before 30th June each year.
    1. All Members registered under the Forum are eligible to attend the AGM.
    1. Notice for the AGM should be sent to all members 30 days in advance.
    1. AGM should approve office bearers to EXCO by a simple majority.
  • Quorum of the Meetings
    • The Quorum of the AGM is twenty five (25) members.
    • The Quorum of the SC Meeting is Three (03) members.
    • The Quorum of the MC Meeting is eight (06) members.
    • The Quorum of the EXCO Meeting is eight (08) members.

(7)   Membership

  • Types of MembershipsFounder Members: referred to all Members who have formed the SLCJF in connection with Section 3.1 of this constitution.The list of Founder Members shall be published by the EXCO to the first AGM of the SLCJF.All Founder Members shall automatically become Honourary Foundation Members at the First AGM of the SLCJF.The AGM of the SLCJF will confer Honourary Foundation Membership to any member of the SLCJF or any outside personality, upon the recommendation of the EXCO.Any person who has taken the membership under the Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum shall become a Forum Member.Any Sri Lankan Citizen associates with field of Mass Communication/Public Relations/ Advertising and Marketing Sectors, who accepts this constitution is eligible to apply for the Membership.Each new Membership Application has to be introduced by Two Members of the SLCJF.All the new Membership Applications referred to the EXCO and get its’ consent.
  • Rejection of a Membership Application
  • EXCO is persevering the absolute authority either to accept or reject any new application for Membership.
  • An applicant whose application is rejected by the EXCO is not eligible to apply for the Same Membership for another three-year period, and become not eligible to apply any more if the same applications is been rejected twice by the EXCO.
  • The EXCO may inform applicants on rejection of their applications.
  • Rights and Obligations of the Members
  • Shall be eligible to Vote, Contest; Hold any office in the Forum or to be elected to the Executive Committee of the SLCJF.
  • Every individual member should adhere to safeguard the best interest of this constitution.
  • Any member proscribed subject to facing a disciplinary inquiry in an event charge/s with allegation/s against violation of this constitution, or for involving in an act that damages the diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and China, or hurt the cordial relationship between the two countries, or created enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt for being responsible for any of the above allegation/s.
  • The members of the SLCJF shall contribute Membership Fees to the respective Forum as follows:
    • Application Processing Fee                                                                               =                                                                                               Rs. 1000/=
    • Forum Membership Fee (Ordinary) on annual renewal basis                                                                                    =                                                                                               Rs. 1500/=
    • Foundation Membership Fee (Life)*                                                                           =                                                                                               Rs. 10,000/=
  • Any one of the following criteria has to be fulfilled to become eligible either to apply or to be recommended by the EXCO to confrere a Life Membership :
    • Serving SLCJF actively as a member of the EXCO at least for Three (3) years or Completion of Ordinary Membership for Six consecutive years in the Foundation.
    • Making an outstanding contribution to promote the relationship between China and Sri Lanka.
    • Wining an award or special recognition from any Chinese Authority or Organization.
    • Any person having Foundation Membership for two consecutive years and having won National or International Level recognition or repute by wining an award or conferred a special recognition.
    • EXCO will also confer Honourary Life Memberships to outstanding members of the SLCJF or to any eminent Sri Lankan or Chinese personality, from time to time in recognition of his/her contribution towards promotion of Lanka-China relationships or the National Development of either Sri Lanka or China.
  • Termination of MembershipThe membership of a Forum Member shall terminate by resignation; death of a member; non renewal of the membership free; Expatriation; conviction by a court of law, proscription of the membership by the Forum after finding guilty on charges against violation of this constitution.The membership of a Member shall terminate by notice on its own; non renewal of the membership fee; conviction by a court of law, proscription of the membership by the Foundation after finding guilty on charges against violation of this constitution or by the State.

7.5 Affiliated Forums/Associations of SLCJF

The Forum can establish any affiliated body under the supervision of a supreme council to monitor the activities of a body in promoting bilateral relations with Sri Lanka & China. Any affiliated body should not violate the guidelines given by SLCJF and may functions as an independent body in promoting mutual interest of both countries. Any affiliated body should be form under Section 7.5 of the Constitution of SLCJF should strictly abide by this constitution. Any affiliated body should by govern by an Executive Committee and office bears may determine by the constitution of such a body.  The Supreme Council of Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum shall be the supreme body of any affiliated Forums or Associations to the SLCJF as per Section 5 of this constitution. 

7.5.1        Admin Council of any affiliated body  

                The Admin council should consist of members and should include the President/   Two Vice Presidents / Secretary / Treasurer / (Supreme Council of SLCJF)     and President /Vice presidents / Secretary / Treasurer   of each relevant affiliated body

7.5.2        Powers of Admin Council     Meeting of Admin council should be chaired by the President of SLCJF and quorum should be seven members of Supreme Council     Any affiliated body violet the guidelines given by  Admin council or in a event  a body working against the mutual benefit of two friendly nations or any other case determined by the supreme council  of SLCJF,     Should dissolve the EXCO of any such affiliated body mentioned in section without giving any reasons an immediately informed the embassy of Peoples Republic of China in Sri Lanka and the Embassy of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in China in writing and should appoint interim EXCO to govern the affairs of such affiliated body for period of one year.     Should hold an inquiry by a Disciplinary Committee appoint by SLCJF, among members from the supreme council of SLCJF consist of three members     Should take appropriate action against such a body as determine by Supreme Council of SLCJF and may consider the report of Disciplinary Committee report 

7.6 Consultative Panel of Experts

The Executive Committee should have the powers to appoint a Consultative Panel of Experts for any special occasion that should be determined by the EXCO of SLCJF. The panel should be appointed among Associate Editors/Chief Editors or above of any reputed National Newspaper or and category of Director or above from any reputed electronic media institution. Three members of Consultative Panel of Experts should be appointed considering their professional background but it is not necessary for them to be permanent member of any print or electronic media body. While one Consultative panel of Experts has been appointed by SLCJF there exists no vacancy for a second Consultative panel of Experts to be appointed to look into a different matter until the previous Consultative panel of Experts fully complete the task vested upon.   

      7.6.1        The Consultative panel of Experts should comprise maximum of 10 members in connection with 7.6 of this constitution

      7.6.2        The Consultative panel of Experts should advise the EXCO of SLCJF with a report in writing with their findings or maters pertaining to any particular subject  

      7.6.3        The EXCO of SLCJF should nominate the Chairman of the Consultative panel of Experts

      7.6.4        The Chairman of the Consultative panel of Experts should have the right to nominate any members among the panel for various positions to ease their process to compile a report on any particular subject

      7.6.5        Any Consultative panel of Experts appointed by SLCJF for any particular subject should give their complete report within three months 

7.7 Amendments of the Constitution

Any amendment or revision to the constitution may be effected only by a resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting with a 2/3rd majority of the members on roll and such resolution shall be given to the Secretary, 07 days prior to the AGM.

Constitution of the

Sri Lanka – China Journalists’ Forum


  • Name of the Organization                                                                    1
    • Legal Status of the Sri Lanka China Journalists’ Forum                  1
    • Logo                                                                                           1
    • Official Address of the Organization                                              1
  • Objectives                                                                                            1
  • Founder Members, Adoption of the Constitution & Formation of the Foundation                                                                                          2
  • Forum Election                                                                                    2
  • Organizational Structure : Executive Committee                                 2
    • Supreme Council : Composition                                                   2
    • Supreme Council : Power and Functions                                                                              3                                                                                                 
    • Managment Committee : Composition                                                                            3
    • Managment Commitee :  Power and Functions                                                               3
    • Executive Committee : Composition                                             3
    • Executive Committee : Election and Formation                              3
  • President                                                                            3
  • Vice President                                                                     3
  • Secretary                                                                            3
  • Assistant Secretary                                                              3
  • Treasurer                                                                            3
  • Chief Organizer                                                                   3
  • Assistant Organizer                                                             3
  • Committee Members (Five (05) Members)                            3
  • Senior Vice President                                                          3
    • Executive Committee : Power & Functions                                 3-4
    • Executive Committee : Office Bearers & Functions                     4-5
  • President                                                                            4
  • Vice President – Communication & PR                                  4
  • Vice President – Cultural & Events                                        4
  • Secretary                                                                            5
  • Assistant Secretary                                                              5
  • Treasurer                                                                            5
  • Chief Organizer                                                                   5
  • Assistant Organizer                                                             5
  • Committee Members                                                           5
  • Senior Vice President                                                          5
    • Auditor                                                                                        6
    • Trustee                                                                                       6
    • Representatives                                                                          6
    • Patrons                                                                                       6
  • Annual General Meeting of the SCYJF                                                 6

6.1.    Quorum of the Meetings                                                              6

  • Membership                                                                                         6
    • Foundation Members                                                                   6
    • Rejection of a Membership Application                                         7
    • Rights and Obligations of the Members                                         7
    • Termination of Membership                                                          8
    • Affiliated Forums / Associations of SLCJF                                     8
    • Consultative Panel of Experts                                                       9
    • Amendments of the Constitution                                                   9