State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press – Part 1


On 24 May 2020, a press conference was held on the margins of the Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, during which State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions from Chinese and foreign media about China’s foreign policy and external relations.

Wang Yi: Friends from the media, good afternoon. This year’s press conference is held at a special time as countries around the world are battling COVID-19. I wish to take this opportunity to salute health workers worldwide who are doing their best to save lives and to mourn the lives tragically lost. I’d also like to say thank-you to all the governments and nations who have given understanding, care and assistance to China in its COVID-19 response. The virus cannot defeat humanity; we will eventually prevail. The darkest hour will pass. Looking ahead, we can see light and hope. With these words, I’m happy to open the floor for questions.

People’s Daily: What’s the most important thing people can learn from COVID-19?

Wang Yi: In my view, the most important thing we could learn from COVID-19 is that the life and health of people in different countries have never been so closely connected. Also, it has never been made so clear to us that all nations live in the same global village and that humanity is in fact a community with a shared future.

The virus respects no borders or races. It poses a challenge to all humans without distinction. Political manipulation will give the virus loopholes to exploit; a beggar-thy-neighbor approach will leave each of us more vulnerable; rejection of science will allow the virus to wreak greater havoc. With this in mind, President Xi Jinping has made the case to the world time and again that the virus is the common enemy of mankind, and that the only way to defeat it is to pull together with solidarity and cooperation, which are the most effective weapons against the virus.

Having claimed so many precious lives, COVID-19 serves as a stark reminder that countries must rise above differences in geography, race, history, culture and social system. We must work together for a community with a shared future and jointly preserve Planet Earth, the only home we have. One important goal in this regard is to speed up efforts to build a global community of health for all. As a responsible country, China will contribute its share to the realization of this goal.

Middle East News Agency: How will China help African countries to fight against COVID-19?

Wang Yi: China and Africa are good brothers who have shared weal and woe together. Our people, having fought shoulder-to-shoulder for national liberation, are partners for common development. A few years back, we were together fighting Ebola. I fully agree with the AU Commission Chairperson in saying that “Africa and China are friends and, more importantly, comrades-in-arms. Nothing can change or damage this friendship”.

In the battle against COVID-19, China and Africa have again stood by each other. Over 50 African leaders have expressed solidarity and support in phone calls or public statements. China has subsequently sent medical expert teams to Africa’s five sub-regions and surrounding countries. Resident Chinese medical teams based in 45 African countries have acted swiftly to assist in the local response. They have held nearly 400 training sessions for tens of thousands of African medical workers. We also look after the African community in China just like we take care of our own families. All of the over 3,000 African students in Hubei and Wuhan have been safe and sound, except for just one who got infected but was soon cured.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). China’s relations with Africa have stood the test of time and continue to flourish. We will continue to stand by Africa as it fights the virus. We will send anti-epidemic assistance to African and other developing countries as a matter of priority. We are considering sending more medical expert teams to the continent. China will continue to deliver on the health initiative announced at the FOCAC Beijing Summit. We will accelerate construction of the Africa CDC headquarters, and help boost public health capacity in African nations. In addition, China will continue to work with Africa on development capacity-building. We will work out ways to move ahead with major ongoing cooperation projects and support African countries in reopening businesses soon to sustain Africa’s economic momentum. We will work with other G20 members to implement the debt service suspension initiative to ease Africa’s debt burden. We are also considering further bilateral support for African countries under the greatest strain to help our African brothers and sisters through this difficult time.

To quote a Chinese saying, “When brothers are of the same mind, they have the power to cut through metal.” We are convinced that with help from China and the rest of the global community, the youthful continent of Africa will achieve greater and faster development after defeating COVID-19.

China Daily: China is providing support and assistance to many countries to help them fight COVID-19. But there is some skepticism about this. What’s your comment?

Wang Yi: At the height of China’s battle with COVID-19, we received assistance and support from across the world. This is something we will always cherish and be grateful for. Likewise, when other countries are struck by the virus, the Chinese people feel for their pain and readily extend a helping hand.

To put into action President Xi Jinping’s vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, we have in the last few months launched the largest global humanitarian operation in the history of the People’s Republic. To date, we have shipped medical supplies to nearly 150 countries and four international organizations to meet their immediate needs. We have held video conferences with health experts from over 170 countries to share our proven protocols of diagnosis, treatment and control without any reservation. We have sent 26 expert teams to 24 countries to provide timely information and in-person guidance. Our factories have operated at full capacity to make high-quality medical supplies and equipment that are badly needed around the world, exporting 56.8 billion surgical masks and 250 million protective gowns, among other provisions.

China has done all this because, first and foremost, we Chinese are a grateful nation. We are always ready to reciprocate acts of friendship and kindness from others. Moreover, China is always willing and ready to help others. When our friends are in distress, we never sit by and do nothing. A case in point is our assistance to Africa during the Ebola epidemic. While some countries evacuated their personnel from the affected areas, China rushed to Africa’s aid despite risks of infection, sending in medical teams and badly needed supplies and fighting alongside our African brothers and sisters until victory was declared.

We know that the COVID-19 assistance from China may not cover the needs of all affected countries. We are also aware that some political forces are mischaracterizing our intention. But we have done everything in the open and we have a clear conscience. Nothing we do is out of geopolitical calculation, or in pursuit of economic gains, or with any political strings attached.

In providing assistance, we have but one goal, that is to save as many lives as possible. We have but one belief, that is one country’s success does not mean the end of the global pandemic. Only when the virus is defeated in all countries can we claim a true victory.

The coronavirus is still raging in many places. China is not a savior. But we try to be a friend in need, a sincere partner you can count on in times of difficulty. We will continue to help the countries in distress to the best of our ability, pursue more international cooperation and fight alongside others until final, worldwide victory can be declared against COVID-19.

Phoenix Television: Would China agree to an independent international investigation into the source of the virus?

Wang Yi: Regarding the source of the virus, the difference between China and some US politicians is as wide as that between facts and lies, between science and prejudice.

Source tracing is a serious and complex issue of science. It should be studied by scientists and medical experts. However, some American politicians have rushed to attach a geographical label to the virus, politicize its source and stigmatize China. They have both overestimated their own ability to spread disinformation and underestimated others’ ability to tell right from wrong. History should be written with facts, not tainted by lies. The global narrative about COVID-19 should reflect reason and conscience. Humanity has an obligation to leave behind an objective and truthful account as part of its collective memory.

China is open to joint efforts by the international science community to identify the source of the virus. Importantly, it must be a professional, impartial and constructive process.

“Professional” means being based on science and led by WHO, and letting scientists and medical experts conduct field missions and research worldwide. The goal is to help us better understand this kind of virus and deal more effectively with major infectious diseases in the future.

“Impartial” means being free from political interference, respecting the sovereign equality of nations and avoiding a presumption of guilt. All countries closely related to the virus should be covered by the field missions. The whole process should be open, transparent, objective and rational.

“Constructive” means not hampering the work of saving lives, which clearly must be our top priority at the moment, not jeopardizing international cooperation against COVID-19, and not undermining the statutory role of WHO. Instead, we should bolster the ability of the UN system to perform its mandate, strengthen international solidarity and cooperation, and improve the system and capacity for global governance in the area of public health.

Global Times: How will China respond to the lawsuits filed in the US that ask for compensation from China as a result of COVID-19?

Wang Yi: The attempt to file frivolous lawsuits is a shoddy one, as it has zero basis in fact, law or international precedence.

COVID-19 has caught the whole world by surprise. China, like other countries, is a victim. Confronted by an unknown virus, we have acted responsibly to protect people’s life and health and safeguard global public health. China was the first country to report cases to WHO and promptly share information with relevant countries and regions, the first to sequence the genome of the virus and share it with the world, and the first to publish guidelines for treatment and containment. Once we sensed the severity of the situation, we made a tough decision that cut off the route of transmission in the shortest possible time and stopped the fast-spreading virus in its tracks. All this was achieved at an enormous cost and with huge sacrifice. China’s record of COVID-19 response is there for the world to see, with a clear timeline and solid facts that will stand the test of time and history.

Some people are clamoring for so-called “accountability and compensation” from a victim of COVID-19 and they are fabricating so-called “evidence” for frivolous lawsuits. These people are trampling on international rule of law and betraying human conscience. Their action does not square with facts, stand up to reason or have any legal foundation. Today’s China is not what it used to be a hundred years ago, nor is the world anything like the one a century ago. If anybody thought they could use some ludicrous lawsuits to undermine China’s sovereignty and dignity or deprive the Chinese people of their hard-won gains, they’d be daydreaming and bring disgrace to themselves.

China Radio International: How does China see the role of WHO? What’s China’s view of WHO reform?

Wang Yi: WHO is a specialized UN agency with a central role in coordinating global public health matters. Dr. Tedros was elected as Director General with an overwhelming majority. He has the full confidence of the international community. The election of an African is a sign of the rising status of developing countries in international organizations.

At the opening of the just concluded 73rd World Health Assembly, President Xi Jinping made a statement in which he applauded WHO’s vital contributions to global COVID-19 response. His firm support for WHO was echoed by many countries. As for WHO’s international standing and its place in history, I’m sure clear-eyed people the world over will reach a fair conclusion, one that will not be altered just because some country doesn’t like it. Those who throw mud at WHO will only leave a stain on themselves.

Since the start of the outbreak, WHO, under the leadership of Dr. Tedros, has followed science and given timely and professional advice at every turn. It has done a good job and performed its mandate. What we’re seeing is this: those countries that heeded and followed WHO advice are more successful in bringing the virus under control, while those that ignored or rejected its advice are paying a heavy price.

Let me also stress this: WHO is an international body made up of 194 sovereign states. It does not serve any particular country, and it should not defer to any country that provides more funding than others. In the face of COVID-19, those attempts to attack or blackmail WHO are lacking in basic humanity and will be rejected by the international community.

Nothing is more precious than people’s lives; nothing is more important than saving lives. To support WHO is to support saving lives. I believe all countries with decency will choose to do so.

As for WHO reform, actually the Organization would undertake a comprehensive review and evaluation in the wake of every major epidemic. But the purpose of such review is to uphold rather than undermine multilateralism and to support rather than undercut WHO. The 73rd World Health Assembly has passed a resolution that makes this point very clear. From China’s perspective, WHO reform should have three priorities: First, to improve mechanisms and rules so as to remove the interference of political factors, value science and professional views, and preclude politicization and stigmatization. Second, to equip WHO with more resources and enable it to better tackle global public health crises. Third, to act on the vision of a global community of health for all and scale up support and input to developing countries to bolster their health sector.

Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists' Forum was established in May 2001 as the Sri Lanka - China Young Journalists' Forum and was in force as a main association that promotes mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China.


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