State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press – Part 5


Yonhap News Agency: In what direction does China think the situation on the Korean Peninsula and dialogue between the DPRK and the US should be going?

Wang Yi: Continued communication and dialogue between the DPRK and the US is important for resolving their differences and a key stepping stone to settling issues on the Korean Peninsula. As China has often counseled, having a dialogue is better than having nothing at all. We would like to see continuous interaction between DPRK and US leaders. We hope that the two sides will resume meaningful dialogue and engagement as soon as possible. That said, building mutual trust and breaking the impasse on the Peninsula would require more concrete steps. To achieve a genuine settlement, they need to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.

We have seen some positive steps taken by the DPRK in the last few years toward de-escalation and denuclearization. Regrettably, these steps have not been reciprocated in a substantive way by the US side. This is the main reason for the ongoing stalemate in DPRK-US dialogue. More uncertainties have built up surrounding the nuclear issue on the Peninsula. China and Russia have long introduced a draft resolution at the UN Security Council for a political settlement of Korean Peninsula issues, and repeatedly called on the Council to discuss rolling back sanctions as stipulated in relevant resolutions. This would help ease economic and livelihood hardships in the DPRK and create conditions for the political settlement of the Peninsula issues. We call on the US and other parties to take this proposal into serious consideration and stop squandering the hard-won outcomes of previous dialogue. The general outline of settling the nuclear issue is clear. The parties must follow a dual-track approach of pursuing both denuclearization and a peace mechanism, and work out a road map for phased and synchronized actions. The rare opportunity for solving the issue should not be missed again.

Associated Press of Pakistan: What do you view the current situation in Afghanistan?

Wang Yi: Afghanistan, long regarded as “the heart of Asia”, has a significant impact on regional peace and stability. The fast-moving events in recent months have taken the country closer to peace than ever. But the road ahead is far from smooth. As we see it, five things cry out to be done:

First, consolidating government unity. We welcome President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah’s agreement to form a unity government, and look forward to its normal functioning as early as possible. Second, establishing the framework for talks. We call on all factions to immediately cease hostilities and reach an early agreement on the arrangements for intra-Afghan talks on the country’s future political architecture. Third, withdrawing foreign troops in an appropriate and orderly manner. The US troop withdrawal must proceed in a responsible way without undermining the interests of Afghanistan or other countries in the region. Fourth, combating terrorism. All parties need to stay focused on this to prevent a regrouping of terrorist forces. Fifth, securing external support. Afghanistan’s relations with Pakistan and other countries need to be further improved. More needs to be done to mobilize greater international support and collaboration for the peace and reconciliation process.

In China’s view, the process must be guided by three principles:

First, it should be Afghan-led. It must be left to the people of Afghanistan to decide their country’s future and grasp the nation’s destiny in their hands. Second, it should prioritize peace. No party may resort to the use of force to advance their interests. Third, the process should be broadly representative and inclusive to set the stage for a more inclusive, united and energetic Afghanistan.

The Afghan people are entitled to a better life free from the shadow of war. As close neighbors and brothers, the Chinese people have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them. Going forward, China will continue to play an active and constructive role in promoting intra-Afghan talks, restoring peace and stability and advancing economic recovery in Afghanistan, and facilitating its participation in regional cooperation.

Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists' Forum was established in May 2001 as the Sri Lanka - China Young Journalists' Forum and was in force as a main association that promotes mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China.


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