Chinese FM on China-US and China-India relations


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying commented on China-US and China-India relations on the Regular Press Conference on September 3, 2020

The Paper: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other US officials once again accused China of covering up the epidemic, saying that more people have died in China than in any other country. What is China’s comment?

Hua Chunying: Actions speak louder than words, and justice prevails. What is false can never be made true. As Zhong Nanshan said at the CCTV program “The First Class of the New Term”, the CPC and government have always adhered to the principle of “putting life first and the people first” and carried out epidemic prevention and control with a high sense of solidarity and responsibility and in a science-based manner. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have united as one and ensured that China was able to achieve major strategic results in epidemic prevention and control within a short period of time, which can stand the test of time and history. China’s achievements in epidemic prevention and control have been further consolidated, important progress has been made in resuming work and production, and the economic and social order has been restored at a faster pace. These are plain facts. As stationed journalists in China, you must have had a good understanding of this during your stay. I have noticed that recently many friends from the media paid attention to the Wuhan Music Festival at a water park and the Qingdao Beer Festival, which are important signs that for the Chinese people, normal life is coming back. 
By contrast, the US has been shifting the blame to China, trying to use this as a strategy to cover up its government’s incompetence, but its allegations are entirely groundless. On January 23, when China placed Wuhan under lockdown, the US declared only one confirmed case of COVID-19. On January 31, the United States suspended direct flights between China and the US. On February 2, the US closed its borders to all Chinese citizens, by which time the US announced there were just over 10 confirmed cases. The timeline is crystal clear. After China cut off the transmission path of the epidemic to the world, how did the US, boasting the richest medical resources and the most advanced medical technology, step by step became the most severely affected country in the world in just a few months? I am neither willing nor convenient to comment too much. There have been a lot of American media reports on the US administration’s epidemic responses, and people from all walks of life in the US have let off their pent-up grievances. Yesterday, the US House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Crisis released reports obtained from the White House task force, which demonstrate what the administration’s officials told the public are in contradiction with those reports they issued, apparently an effort of cover-up. As Dr. Fauci said, numbers don’t lie. Every number indicates a life taken, and reminds us of his or her loved ones. The blaming tricks can only deceive some people for some time, but ultimately defeating the epidemic depends on science and respect for life. We hope the American politicians can realize this simple truth as soon as possible and fulfill their due responsibilities for their country and people.

China Daily: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continued to make groundless accusations against China during his press conference on September 2 on the South China Sea, Tibet-related issues and cooperation between China and US universities. What is China’s comment? 

Hua Chunying: Pompeo’s fact-distorting and truth-reversing words reflect that the extreme anti-China forces in the US are using all means to smear China and deliberately undermine China-US relations and normal exchanges and cooperation. The evil intentions of Pompeo and others have been seen through by the world since long ago, and their regressive behaviors will continue to be strongly criticized and resolutely opposed by people of all walks of life. 
China’s position on the South China Sea issue is consistent and clear. China is firmly committed to safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, to peacefully resolving disputes through consultation and negotiation with other countries directly concerned, and to working with ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. As a country outside the region, the United States is stirring up quarrels, provoking troubles and sowing discord between China and relevant countries in the South China Sea. The US is the primary perpetrator that creates tension and imposes threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea. We urge the US side to stop being a saboteur of peace and stability and a spoiler of cooperation and development in the South China Sea. 
Tibet has been China’s territory since ancient times, and its affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no interference by any external forces. Since its peaceful liberation more than 60 years ago, Tibet has made historic progress in economic, social, cultural, ecological and other fields. We urge the US side to stop finger-pointing and interfering in China’s internal affairs on Tibet-related issues. 
Exchanges and cooperation in the education sector between China and the United States are mutually beneficial. The allegation by US officials that China is infiltrating US schools is totally out of thin air. In their eyes, all Chinese students in the US are spies and all China’s exchanges with US universities are infiltration. This is all delusional. Following their logic, are all the large number of Americans living and working in China spies? And all these English learners in China, are they part of the US effort to infiltrate China? What the US officials did goes against the desire of the Chinese and American people to strengthen exchanges and cooperation and undermines the common interests of the two countries. 
Once again, we urge Pompeo and other politicians to respect the facts, stop harping on anti-China remarks, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, stop obstructing and undermining normal exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States, and stop going further down the wrong path.

AFP: Do you have any comment on India’s decision yesterday to ban 118 Chinese apps citing national security reasons? 

Hua Chunying: By banning these hi-tech, easy-to-use and popular apps, the Indian side is sacrificing first and foremost the rights and interests of the Indian users, and damaging those of Chinese companies. Therefore, no one gains from such an action. 
I noticed that almost on the same day, the US State Department called on other countries to join India in carrying out the so-called “Clean Network” program. I wonder if there’s connection or coordination between India and the US on this issue. But India, as a country proudly possessing an ancient civilization, is wise enough to have known about Dirtbox, PRISM, Irritant Horn, Muscular and Undersea Cable Tapping. It knows fully well whether the US is clean or dirty when it comes to US policies and practices. Independence is so precious. We hope that the Indian side will stick to it. No short-sighted decisions shall be made to impede the long-term interests of the two countries and two peoples. 
I’d like to add a few words. Recently, there have been unfriendly voices in India that raised concern for clear-eyed people in China and India. Both countries are close neighbors and proud of our civilizations. The start of our exchange and mutual learning can date back to 1,000 years ago. The great Indian poet Tagore is very popular in China. He wrote, “We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.” Yoga and Indian movies like “Dangal” are also very popular in China. However, it never crossed our mind that India is trying to infiltrate or pose any threat to our country. 
We hope that India will attach importance to the two peoples’ friendship and long-term interests, and actively support bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists Forum
Sri Lanka China Journalists' Forum was established in May 2001 as the Sri Lanka - China Young Journalists' Forum and was in force as a main association that promotes mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China.


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